Newsletter #8

Neon Labs
Neon Labs
Published in
3 min readMar 10, 2022


🔩 Neon EVM Moving Closer Towards Mainnet Alpha
🖥 Web3 Proxy & Neon EVM Stabilization
💸 Operator Economy
🗳 Governance
⚙️ Integration of Indexing Dashboard and Neonscan
👨🏻‍💻 Prague Hacker House
👥 Growing the Team

Neon EVM Moving Closer Towards Mainnet Alpha

Neon EVM is currently in a Pre-Alpha state, as described in our article on development status. In the pre-alpha stage, the team is working to stabilize the EVM and Web3 Proxy in Devnet.

As we move into Mainnet Alpha, EVM functionality will be validated through testing with whitelisted dApps. Critical infrastructure such as indexing dashboards, block explorers, and governance will be made available in this phase.

Next, Neon EVM Beta will introduce mass adoption on mainnet. NFT support will also become available, allowing users to query accounts. In addition, Neon will execute a security audit of Neon EVM during this stage to ensure product security and stability.

Web3 Proxy & Neon EVM Stabilization

Neon Labs continues to progress on the Neon EVM and Neon Web3 Proxy.

Continuous integration tests along with OpenZepellin tests have been carried out on the Neon EVM. We will perform a security audit shortly to identify any issues for remediation.

The Web3 Proxy is undergoing refactoring to improve stability. In addition, an indexer and descriptive logging system have been made available in Devnet. These tools help developers and users diagnose errors if anything fails or doesn’t perform as expected.

Operator Economy

Neon Labs is developing tools to support the Operator economy.

We are in the process of implementing a profit/loss monitoring tool. Currently, we’ve developed an API to gather and provide Operator statistics. This data will help visualize profit and loss for Operators facilitating Neon transactions.

Additionally, we’ve wrapped up on the Gas Metering System within the Neon Web3 Proxy. This tool will provide gas amount and fee details for Neon transactions. For more information, read our Neon Gas Metering System article.


We’re moving forward with a DAO-owned governance model using the SPL Governance framework. Currently, the team is working on modifying the governance contracts to take into account any NEON tokens locked in vesting contracts.

Stay tuned for more updates ahead of our token IDO.

Indexing Dashboard and Neonscan Integration

The Indexing Dashboard (developed in partnership with Aleph) is fully implemented and ready for use on Solana devnet. This indexing tool is critical for dApp development, allowing for data querying on the blockchain and streamlining dApp development for project teams.

Next up, Neonscan integration is a work in progress and near-functional.

Prague Hacker House

The Prague Hacker House, one of Solana’s world tour highlights, gathered more than 500 participants. Among them are Ethereum developers, NFT artists, investors, and students who have just started their exciting journey in the industry. The topics of presentations and workshops were quite diverse: from working in the Solana ecosystem to game development. The Neon Labs team partnered up with Solana as a strategic partner at the fabulous event. At the event, which took place on 3rd of March, our CTO Andrey Falaleev and Senior Dev Ivan Loboda conducted a workshop to share their knowledge of Neon and show Solidity developers how to create the simplest contracts on our platform to help them save time deploying their dApps on Solana.

Growing the Team

With big things on the horizon, it should be no surprise that the Neon team is growing. We currently have the following open positions:

  • Developers
  • Technical Writers

Neon is always looking for new talent. Apply and share the link here:

Thanks for checking out the newsletter. Neon will be back with more updates for the community. Stay connected with the team on Twitter, GitHub, YouTube, and Discord until then. If you have any feedback regarding the newsletter, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

